Steven L. Hess 


This is my personal site. 

We do Amateur radio.

We do photography 

We love Anime.

K6KGE amateur radio repeaters Taft Ca

Please allow the carrier to drop and an additional three seconds

before transmitting to allow breaking stations to get in.

441.125 + PL 141.3 Taft Linked to the Kern Emergency Radio Network

KERN System (See )

927.0875 - PL 100 Taft Can be linked to the KERN System upon command)

441.600 + Yaesu System Fusion Taft Linked to the LA Repeater Room 21042

(See )

441.575+ DMR on the Brandmeister System time slot 1 dynamic local and 31455 Kern DMR

147.975 repeater negative offset CTCSS 110.9 remote base.

927.2875 negative offset DCS DPL 263

Linked to 52.8400 WA6IPZ repeater on Bear Mt near Fresno, Hanford, Visalia.

Systems can be powered off generator fueled with LPG if power loss occurs.

I also monitor the Fusion system and The Remote Base system.

I monitor TG 314455.

Link to my Aircraft Monitoring Reporting. Real Time.